

Final submission trailer:


In my trailer, my strategy is using trackview to demonstrate the building rather than use the game player to walk through the building, this allow me to show different angle and height of the building as well as the landscape surround.

In my project, I tried to reveal the idea that the life after people is a peaceful world, there are no more cut down trees by human beings and the things create by human are now becoming a part of the nature. The trees grow up through the bottom of the house. Some of the walls are broken and the windows are no more exist. Also, In the beginning of the trailer, it appears the trees then the building, this coordinating shows the trees and plants are the main part of the world and the house is second.

Most of the parts of the rudin house is using concrete, the setting of sepcular is set to a high level, with the rainning weather, the reflection clearly shows the material of the house. 

In terms of the interactive, the whole building has decayed especially the roof of the house. In the trailer, parts of the roof are missing and it is very dangerous, it will easily fall down and collapse.

I used the environment that I created in EXP1, but i changed some of the vegetation, before the environment is too green, in order to create the feeling of trees growing more and more,  I decide to use some yellow color trees to give a depth when I film the trailer, it gives a sense of volume, and it won't block the whole view of the house, matches the mossy inside the house.

3ds files and objects

cryengine level folder:


After Earth Trailer Official

The day after tomorrow trailer


District 9 clip 

This week's lecture introduced different kinds of architecture that lead to failure, and the blend layer is also introuduced. I found out the blend layer is very useful because it allows different textures combine together and makes the objects more realistic then just use one texture along the whole object.



Sketching :

Progress images:

Reference images:

Weekly reflection:
This week's lecture shows the pictures of abandonment of the buildings and this gives us the ideas of what kind of environment output we should do for the final submission. I also search some other similar topics pictures to allow me explore more knowledge on how to layer the objects to make them look realistic.


Research on Materials:

the process of making:Concrete is comprised of different sizes of aggregate, sand, admixtures, water, and Portland cement. These raw materials are stored in silos or tanks on the site of the concrete plant. A computer-controlled dispensing machine selects and carefully weighs the materials needed to make the concrete mix specified by the client. These materials are then placed in the concrete mixer. While being transported, the drum of the concrete mixer turns on its axis and mixes the concrete. Upon arriving at the construction site, the concrete mix has a uniform, homogenous consistency. Concrete mixer operators deliver the concrete to the site in accordance with the client’s specifications.
 how long they will last:After research the result shows the concrete can last 16,000 years


the process of making: Glass is manufactured by melting sand, soda ash, dolomite and limestone together to produce a 3660mm wide continuous ribbon of glass.
 how long they will last:glass can last for very long time, like millions of years


the process of making:
1.Meltdown2.Injection3.Cutting and cooling
 how long they will last:about 200years



Progress of exporting Barcelona pavilion from 3ds max to Cryengine: 

Final result in Cryengine:

I also tried to export a try to cryengine, but some of the trees due to too many polygons and couldn't be exported, and i also found out that vray materias are not be able to export to cryengine.

1.Barcelona pavilion
The mix of using different materials such as the marble and the concretes makes the pavilion looks elegant, the use of these materials creates a secondary lighting and shows the continious volume of the building

 2. Rudin House
This house reveals a sense of simpicity, and i think the skylight on the top can receive a good lighting as well as the large window on the first floor can allow the house owner to see the landscape surrounded.

3.House at bordeaux
The most interesting point of this house is the structural system, it uses a long beam and a big square concrete box to support the upper level which creates a sense of balance.

1.https://www.google.com/search?client=aff-cs-360se&q=barcelona%20pavillion&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=zh-CN&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=mLpkUvajC7CZiAfr54DADA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=aV_AseZQvKjyFM%3A%3BDnTg5ZaBYvsb6M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F4.bp.blogspot.com%252F-R63EDB9vxsU%252FUMM8iFR2eQI%252FAAAAAAAADU0%252FIBw6wI4SEG4%252Fs1600%252F10-101-barcelonapavilionmoneyshot.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Farchitectureassociate.blogspot.com%252F2012%252F12%252Fbarcelonapavilion-commentary-thesite_7943.html%3B800%3B600 Access 01/10/2013

2. https://www.google.com/search?client=aff-cs-360se&hs=iuo&q=rudin%20house&biw=1680&bih=859&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=zh-CN&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=FrtkUvqEJ4yviQfYloBw#facrc=_&imgdii=4_nEgTCrtI2iXM%3A%3BYHS9YO59WBpqcM%3B4_nEgTCrtI2iXM%3A&imgrc=4_nEgTCrtI2iXM%3A%3BoUBxnK4tl0fotM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fen.wikiarquitectura.com%252Fimages%252Fthumb%252Fe%252Fef%252FRudin_2.jpg%252F300px-Rudin_2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fen.wikiarquitectura.com%252Findex.php%252FRudin_House%3B300%3B249     Access 01/10/2013

3. https://www.google.com/search?client=aff-cs-360se&hs=9vo&q=house%20at%20bordeaux&biw=1680&bih=859&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=zh-CN&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=cLtkUs3fFYigiQen3IGICw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=abXBXu_NdVYzcM%3A%3B9EfTsLRdfE7u5M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.infoteli.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2010%252F12%252FHouse-in-Bordeaux-Architecture-by-Rem-Koolhaas.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.infoteli.com%252Fhouse-in-bordeaux-rem-koolhaas-oma.htm%3B530%3B353    Access 01/10/2013



120 second (Max!) video clip :







This island is consist with a letter O and the number1.

For the concealling strategy, i just make my letter across my number 0, so it makes my island looks like two rivers are naturally joint together. Also, i extrude some small islands in the middle of  the entire big island, and brush with some decals and vegetation. In terms of textures, i had created about more than 10 textures layers so i can apply to my island in different place and high level of the terrain. Also, the initial imported island is very large, so in my final submission, i reduced the size of my island and so that i can concentrate to put more details in my island.

Draft 5 images:

SDK file address:



cleanup the interface

using the trackview to make a cinematic secne




Some new images about my island:

Peer Review:

This week is almost the ending of assignment1, but this week we had learnt new stuff which is the flowgraph. The different combination of the flowgraph can present various feeling of the environment.